
The latest from Founder & CEO Reginald Dwayne Betts, the Freedom Reads team, and our larger community, both on the inside and the outside.

Tagged with Performances

Freedom Reads Brings Literary Performances to Rhode Island Prisons

By Steven Parkhurst, Program Coordinator at Freedom Reads
Freedom Reads Program Coordinator Steven Parkhurst outside of the Rhode Island Department of Corrections John J. Moran facility.
Freedom Reads Program Coordinator Steven Parkhurst outside of the Rhode Island Department of Corrections John J. Moran facility.

Freedom Reads put on literary events at Rhode Island prisons for the first time last week. Freedom Reads Founder & CEO Reginald Dwayne Betts performed his one-man show, FELON: An American Washi Tale. Following the show, Dwayne and Freedom Reads Program Coordinator Steven Parkhurst, who served over 26 years at Rhode Island’s Adult Correctional Institution (ACI), had a wide-ranging conversation about the experience of incarceration and the importance of literature and literary events in transforming the lives of incarcerated people.

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